Axel Eckenberger
Born 1969 in Munich, Germany
Grown up by Lake Starnberg, Upper Bavaria, Germany
Studied at Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom BSc (Hons) Computing (Networks and Communications)
Working as a Senior Software Architect and Team Manager in Munich, Germany
Started photographing at about age 12
Got first proper camera - a Pentax Spotmatic II - by his dad at age 16
2016 death of mother leads to taking up photography more seriously
2017 started street photography to become more proficient with my camera - got hooked and never looked back
2018 participated in the 24HourProject for the first time
2019 became 24HourProject ambassador for Munich
2019 one image from the 24HourProject selected for the New York exhibition and another for the Iranian travel exhibition
2019 started to shooting analogue again to shoot more consciously and concentrate on the decisive moment – also stated to develop, scan and wet print the analogue images
2020 bought a Mamiya RB67 camara once owned by American phtographer Steve Crouch
2020 started shooting large format (4x5) in a hybrid process
2021 invited by International 5 Photo Award for an interview on the subject “From imagination to the search for the subject in photography”
2021 24HourProject lead ambassador for Germany
2021 Shirin Art Gallery features one of his images as part of their International 5 Photo Award Exhibition
2021 Organizing 24HourProject German exhibition (October 21 - October 28) in gallery, Hamburg, Germany

Axel Eckenberger (Photo by Christoph Sand)